With each star naming, you get exclusive access to the Stellarium software (online or App). With the help of your registry number, you can easily display your named star on any device.
You can access the software here.
How do I find my star now (APP)?
First, you download the Star Finder App at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/star-registration-planetarium/id1542535191 (iOS) or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.software.starregister&pcampaignid=pcampaignidMKT-Other-global-all-co-prtnr-py-PartBadge-Mar2515-1 (Android).
Open the app and enter your registry number as requested, tap on "Go!" and the App will start locating your star. You now have various settings available.
The most important setting is the "Rotate" option. If it's active, you have to move your smartphone to find your star. If it's not active the App will show you the star immediately.
How do I find my star now (online)?
- You enter your registry number in the search field and click on the magnifying glass.
- It shows you which star was named.
- You now have various settings available:
Here you'll find further tips to find your star.